Coffee Shop in the Library

Coffee Cart
Coffee Shop in the Library
Coffee Shop in the Library
Opening Hours

Sunday – Thursday: 8:00 – 18:45

Friday : Closed




Hours during the exam

When the library is open until 22:00:

Sunday – Thursday: 8:30 – 20:45

Friday : Closed

When the library is open 24 hours:

Sunday – Thursday: 8:30 – 23:45

Friday : Closed

Coffee area

At the entrance to the library, there is a coffee shop.

You can buy hot and cold drinks, baked goods, sandwiches, snacks and more.

You are invited to take a coffee break under the wide umbrellas on the plaza in front of the library or in one of the permitted eating areas in the library:



Eating and drinking areas in the library

On the entrance floorin the coffee area  and on the entrance plaza

Middle Floor -  In the students’  eating area

Ground floor – the area near the photocopying room




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