Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Services
Students and staff of the faculties of social sciences and management and the school of education at Tel Aviv University can order books, articles, theses and scans of items that are not held at the university libraries. The service is free of charge.
Order form for a book or article from another institution
(Another option is to sign in to DATA, then click on “Inter-Library Request” in the top menu.)
Students and staff can also order scans of items held by the library and we will send it to you free of charge.
Order form for a scan of a book or article from our collection
Contact information:
Telephone: 7066 / 03-6405501
Additional information about the service:
The service is available for the students and staff of the faculties of social sciences and management and the school of education
The service supplies books as well as articles and book chapters, which are not available in the libraries of Tel Aviv University
Order form for a book or article from another institution
(Another option is to sign in to DATA, then click on “Inter-Library Request” in the top menu.)
.You can order scans of small portions of a work, which is owned by the library. The service is free of charge. .
Order form for a scan of a book or article from our collection
Articles and book chapters usually arrive within a few days. Books that we order from Israeli libraries arrive within 10 days. Books that we order from abroad – within a month.
After signing in into DaTa, the order status will show in your library card. Once the item arrives in the library, you will receive an e-mail message.
You will pick up books at the circulation desk. Articles or book chapters will be sent to you by e-mail.
The library at the lending institution determines the loan period (2 - 8 weeks)
Requests for loan extension can be made a few days prior to the due date on the phone (03-6407066 or 03-6405501) or by e-mail. The library at the lending institution checks if such an extension is possible and determines the new due date (another two weeks at the most). In case the extension request is rejected, the student or faculty member will have to return the book no later than the original due date.
Books should be returned at the circulation desk and NOT in the book drop box at the entrance to the library.
The due date is written on a sticker on the book. You are kindly requested to return books on time.