The mission and policies of the Library

The mission and policies of the Library

The Library of Social Sciences, Management and Education is a learning and research library



The objective of the library is to support the various information needs of the academic community which we support: students and lecturers of the Faculties of Social Sciences and Management and the School of Education.


The library advances the teaching, learning, and research in these areas by:

  1. Acquiring, creating, preserving and distributing knowledge in the social sciences, management and education
  2. Providing reference assistance and instruction
  3. Creating easy access to knowledge inside and outside of the library
  4. Creating comfortable physical conditions that are conducive to study and research



The library operates with these values:

  • Sensitivity to the varied needs of the community of users
  • Modernity and adoption of new ideas and technologies
  • Excellence
  • Cooperation with entities on the university campus and outside.


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