Publishing articles in the Open Access model


The library sees great importance in promoting publishing of research in the open access model.


Open access arrangements have been made between TAU Libraries, in cooperation with the MALMAD community, and the following publishers:


Taylor & Francis

Cambridge University Press
Sage Publishing


Springer Nature


Oxford University Press



Additional arrangements:

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press


*At your disposal, here is also a page detailing all the OA agreements of Malmad. The page also includes a search box for journals included in all Malmad agreements.


According to these agreements, the university researchers can publish in journals of the above publishers in open access.

For any further assistance pleas contact Merav Aknin


Phone: 03-6409538  


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What is Open Access Publishing?

Open access publishing allows researchers to publish peer-reviewed articles in a way that is accessible, online, and free to all. Such publication increases exposure to research, thus potentially expanding their impact and citation range.


There are two main routes to open access publishing:


1. Gold Open Access

The article is published in an open access journal or in a 'hybrid' journal, which is a subscription journal that facilitates publishing articles in open access for a fee from the researcher.                                                                                                                                                       

This charge is called APC (Article Processing Charge).


Characteristics of gold open access:

  • Free and immediate access to the latest version of the article
  • Wide distribution
  • The article is retrievable by leading scholarly databases


2. Green Open Access

The article is published in a subscription-based journal: no payment is required for the processing of the article (APC), but the draft article can be distributed free of charge in various ways.


Distribution terms should be carefully studied, as per specific publisher and article. One should take into consideration that publishers may apply different policies (e.g. concerning the version of the item that may be shared).


It is important to keep in mind that articles under the green open access route may be available in several versions:

  • Published articles in their final version (following the review process), are made openly available after a specified delay period (embargo).
  • Earlier versions of the published papers may be made available free of charge through various means, e.g. via academic institutional repositories, on the authors’ personal websites, or shared within the authors' institutions for study and research purposes.


It should be taken under consideration that in the green route:

  • The final version is released after a waiting period
  • Each article may have several versions
  • Copyright - Each article should be checked individually for the rules applying to it



How do you publish with reduced or no APC* according to the agreements?

1. The journal you choose must be from the titles included in the publishers' OA agreements.


2. The corresponding author must use their Tel Aviv University e-mail:

Don't remember your institutional e-mail? Contact the University Information Technology & Computing Division: 

By phone: 03-6408888 or by e-mail:

Important! Using any other e-mail address may result in full charges.


3. When submitting the article, State that your affiliation is Tel Aviv University Next to the author's name and at the article level.

Where to publish / Where not to publish?

When publishing an article in open access, carefully choose the journal in which you want to publish, in order to avoid publishing in predatory journals.


Predatory journals charge authors for publishing, but the articles they publish do not go through a proper peer review process. Many of them actively solicit researchers and attempt to do so by claiming particularly low publication charges.


The following tools may be of assistance in selecting a journal for publication:


Journal Citation Reports (JCR)   

A platform that ranks journals based on standardized citation measures of the published articles, i.e. impact factor.


Journal Metrics Scopus – CiteScore  

Journal Mertics offers a basket of metrics based on data from Scopus, aimed to evaluate and compare between serial titles, including peer-reviewed journals, book series, conference proceedings and trade journals. The metrics include CiteScore metrics, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) and SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), which are based on citation data.


Cabells Predatory Reports


List of predatory journals

A list of journals suspected as predatory.


Think Check Submit

A step-by-step practical guide for choosing a journal for publication.


The university agreements

Please note: it is important to obtain relevant and up-to-date information concerning the intended publisher's current open access policy (via its website) and consider its copyright requirements.



Publishing open access articles via Taylor & Francis journals:

As of 2023, open access publishing via Taylor & Francis journals is available to TAU scholars at no additional charge.


Please note: Eligibility is determined by the primary affiliation of the corresponding author at the point of acceptance. As such, changes to corresponding authors to access OA agreements are not possible after the journal has accepted your article.


The publish component of the agreement covers “original peer reviewed articles”. This includes the following:

  • Article
  • Research Article
  • Review
  • Review Article
  • Report
  • Brief Report
  • Note
  • Case Report
  • Essay

There may be some variation in the naming of article types between journals.



סמל xlsxlist of journals in which you can publish in OA


For more information about the agreement:

Open Access Agreement for Authors in Israel


More information about publishing and advantages of Taylor  & Francis:

Get familiar with the journal’s instructions for authors - Author Services




Publishing open access articles in Cambridge University Press journals, free of charge:


Open access publishing is a part of Cambridge University Press’s standard publication process. This option will be applied once the author has confirmed his/her preference for it (after the article has been approved for publication).


In order to associate the researcher with Tel Aviv university, please use your institutional email when sending the article to the publisher.


Open access publishing via Cambridge University Press is further introduced and discussed here.


* More details about the agreement


Publishing open access articles via Sage journals:


Based on TAU’s arrangement with Sage900 hybrid open access journals  are available to TAU scholars seeking to publish their work  for an overall cost of  £200 – to be paid by the author.


A researcher associated with the university will receive a notification from the publisher, stating that the article can be published in open access for the price of £200. After the researcher has given his consent, the article is transferred to open access.


Gold open access journals: Corresponding authors publishing an article in a gold open access journal are also entitled to a 20% discount.


Click here for the participating Gold journal title list. This discount will be applied automatically in the SAGE Open Access Portal.


Publishing open access articles via Karger's journals:


As of 2021, open access publishing via Karger’s journals is available to TAU scholars on an unlimited basis, at no additional charge.


Journals of interest to scholars in the field of psychology:

Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders extra
European Addiction Research
Human Development
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics



In order to apply the open access option, the submitting author has to confirm his/her academic institution’s eligibility to open access publishing, at the relevant form, and then select TAU as his/her institute of affiliation.


Open access publishing via Karger is briefly introduced and discussed here.



Publish Open Access articles free of charge in Wiley journals


As of 2022, authors affiliated with Tel Aviv University can publish research and review articles in open access hybrid journals at no additional charge.


Guide to Publishing Open Access with Wiley


A brief guide


As of January 15, 2024, articles accepted for publication by the researchers of the institutions participating in the agreement can publish articles in OA in hybrid titles of the publisher free of charge.

For the list of titles in which you can publish in Open Access


  • OA publication in Nature branded titles is not included in the agreement.
  • GOLD (Fully Open Access) titles are not included in the agreement.
  • Titles that will move from hybrid status to GOLD status during the period of the agreement are included in the arrangement and can be published free of charge.


For more information about the publication process



As of January 1, 2024, articles accepted for publication by the researchers of the institutions participating in the agreement can publish articles in OA in titles of the publisher free of charge.


For the list of titles in which you can publish in Open Access.


For more information about the publication process.



♦ Publishing Open Access Articles Free of Charge in Oxford University Press Journals:

Starting January 1, 2025, articles accepted for publication by researchers from Tel Aviv University can be published Open Access (OA) in the publisher's hybrid journals at no cost.

For the list of titles eligible for Open Access publication.


Please note:

Journals classified as GOLD (Fully Open Access) are not included in the agreement but are eligible for a 15% discount. List of journals.

Journals transitioning from hybrid to GOLD status during the agreement period are included in the arrangement, allowing for free publication.




♦ Publishing Open Access Articles Free of Charge in Elsevier Journals:

Starting January 1, 2025, articles accepted for publication by researchers from Tel Aviv University can be published Open Access (OA) in the publisher's hybrid journals at no cost. 

For the list of titles eligible for Open Access publication.


*Please note :

Journals classified as GOLD (Fully Open Access) are not included in the agreement but are eligible for a 10% discount. 

Titles transitioning from hybrid to GOLD status during the agreement period are included in the arrangement, allowing for free publication. 

For details and training on publishing in Open Access, you can click on this link.

The Journals: Cell and Lancet series are not included in the agreement. 



As of 2022, open access publishing is available to TAU scholars on an unlimited basis, at no additional charge for some journals.


Journal of interest to scholars in the field of psychology:

Learning & MemoryInstructions to Authors







'Copyright' refers to legal issues of ownership and intellectual property associated with the use of the article. Copyright statement includes: specifying the author's name, terms of reuse, the item’s distribution, duplication, adjustments, commercial use, remix (modification of media), copying etc.


When publishing an article, it is important to review the publisher's current copyright policy on the journal's website.


♦ Information on the types of copyright licenses can be found on the Creative Commons website.

Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that issues licenses for the purpose of knowledge sharing. The license allows anyone (individual or institution) to grant the public permission to use their work under the copyright law.


♦ Information about open access and copyright terms of various publishers can be found on the Sherpa Romeo website.


Tel Aviv University makes every effort to respect copyright. If you own copyright to the content contained
here and / or the use of such content is in your opinion infringing Contact the referral system >>