Borrowing of computers and other technological equipment

The library offers a variety of technologies for use inside in the library or for circulation according to the type of equipment.

This service is provided for students and staff of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Management and the School of Education.

The service is provided at the Circulation Desk on the entrance floor of the library.

Computers and other equipment are to be returned to the Circulation Desk at least half an hour before the library closes.

A late return will result in a fine.

Portable USB and Bluetooth speakerphone

Jabra SPEAK 510 Online Availability

Electronic dictionary
Headset and Earphones

Multimedia headset with microphone Online Availability

On every floor of the library, near the computers, there are baskets with earphones for your use.

Please return to the baskets when you are finished.




Charger for Mobile Phone


Disk on key

Online Availability

Can be borrowed for 3 days



Gel keyboard pad
USB Keyboard
Digital Voice Recorder
Wireless Remote
HDMI cables


Laptop Computers


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