Photocopying, Printing, Scanning and Fax Services


Mobile Print, which is fee based (pay at the printer), enables us to send documents to the public printers at Tel Aviv University:

  • From any work environment (Windows, MAC OS, UNIX/Linux, IOS, Android)
  • From any device (PC, MAC, Laptop, Smartphone, Tablet)
  • From anywhere (on campus, through WiFi or off campus, through Internet)


The print is performed by sending an email message with attached files in the common formats (graphic files such as tif, png, JPEG; PDF files, Office files, etc.) to one of the following addresses:

       – for a one side A4 black and white print

       – for a double sided A4 black and white print

       – for a one side A3 black and white print *

       – for a double sided A3 black and white print *

       – for a one side A4 color print


The subject of the email has to be the sender’s ID number in order to identify him/her. The files that were attached in the email message can be printed at any (for fee) public printer at Tel Aviv University, following self-identification. In order to identify oneself, the sender’s ID number has to be entered in the LCD panel of the device which is next to the printer. All the print jobs of the sender will be displayed.



* Please note: In the Brender-Moss Library for Social Sciences and Management you can send A3 files to the combined machine, which is in the printing room on the entrance floor, next to the information desk.The lower tray of this machine has A3 paper sheets. For any job with this paper format, the printer will automatically use this paper size. Each A3 black and white page costs 30 agorot.



Example of how to send a print job


1. Create an email message addressed to one of these options, with your ID number as the subject: – for a one side A4 black and white print – for a double sided A4 black and white print – for a one side A3 black and white print * – for a double sided A3 black and white print – for a one side A4 color print



2. Attach the file(s) to be printed.



3. Send the message.


4.Go to one of the public (fee based) printers. Insert a credit card or a printing card to the device which is next to the printer. Enter your ID number. Choose the job from the list of the waiting print jobs and click on the printer icon.




Please note - The release of an A3 print job is possible only in machines that support it. Any attempt to release such a job in a printer that supports only A4 printing may misprint the job. It is the sender's responsibility to make sure that the job be retrieved at a machine with A3 paper.

More machines that support color or A3 printing are in the Faculty of Engineering and in the School of Architecture.

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