Power of attorney
A permanent power of attorney
Academic staff members and administrative staff members of Tel Aviv University can give power of attorney to a research associate, a peer, or a family member.
The power of attorney grantor must fill out a form and then bring it or send it via e-mail to the circulation section.
The power of attorney will be valid only as long as the reader card of its grantor is valid.
The agent must show his identity card when borrowing a book.
Readers, whose borrowing rights are guaranteed by an institute or unit which are not part of Tel Aviv University, cannot give power of attorney to others.
Forms of power of attorney are available at the circulation desk (apply by mail smlcirc@tauex.tau.acil or by phone 03-640 9085).
A one-time power of attorney
Academic staff members and administrative staff members of Tel Aviv University can give power of attorney for borrowing books to another person.
The power of attorney grantor must fill out a form and then bring it or send it via e-mail to the circulation section.
The agent must show his identity card when borrowing a book.
Readers, whose borrowing rights are guaranteed by an institute or unit which are not part of Tel Aviv University, cannot give power of attorney to others.
Forms for power of attorney are available at the circulation desk (apply by mail smlcirc@tauex.tau.acil or by phone 03-640 9085).